Saturday, January 22, 2011

Follow My Blog: How To

Hey all,
So I have had a handful of people ask how to follow my blog and there are a few ways to follow my blog:

Sign up for a google account:
It's very simple, and you don't have to use the account for anything but following me! Just follow this link: google accounts and sign up, then come back to my blog creative mode and scroll all the way to the bottom and select follow this blog with google accounts, if you're not already, sign in to your account. It's really that simple, sorry for having you go through all this trouble for me but it will be well worth it in the end!

If you already have a Yahoo, Twitter (even Facebook I think):
Scroll all the way down and under followers click on already a member: sign in and you can use your twitter account or yahoo (where you can sign in to your facebook).

I hope this helps!

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