Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Feathers are always a popular accessory in the warm summer months, the natural aesthetic a feather embodies goes so well with any summer wardrobe. The feather is a great representation of nature, music festivals and other celebratory events that take place between June and August. A big trend this season are feather hair extensions, it seems like everyone has one or is getting one and I am happy to say that I have them as well! They are very versatile ranging in colors, lengths and types of feathers. You can really personalize them anyway you choose, I went with a more natural color theme, green, brown, tan and orange. The feather extensions stay in your hair for as long as 3 months and you can straighten them, curl them; whatever you're style is. Check out my roommate's and mine!
If you live in the Madison area and want to get feathers, check out Funky Feathzzz...this girl is awesome and reasonably priced.

Feathers aren't just in your hair though, feathers have been showing up everywhere in clothing and jewelry; becoming a staple piece in everyone's wardrobe. Here are a few feather inspired pieces that I have added to my summer wishlist!

1 comment:

  1. Love the variety of hair feathers! And the ring! Thank you for entering the Beso Win an Iconic Trench Giveaway! Good luck – xoxo.
