Hey Everyone,
Sorry I have been so bad at posting lately! I have been so busy with school and shtufff. But on a better note, I am so excited for this summer and it officially starts in almost 2 weeks! And my new obsession, pinterest.com, has made me crave summer even more than usual. I am constantly looking at fun tie-dyed dresses, maxi dresses, shorts, tank tops, tunics and I just can't handle it anymore! Unfortunately, Madison has been rainy and cold for the past few weeks and I know, I know...April showers bring May flowers... but the rain and cold is getting really old. Looking at fun summer clothing is also quite depressing when it's grey outside. But in any case, I'm sharing with you all of my wonderful summer finds! Hope that wherever you're reading this from is nicer and warmer outside than it is here in cold Wisconsin!
(Click on the pictures to find the items)